Fried Egg Tart, Caribbean

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)

For the short pastry base:

Sponge cake:




A cake recipe for all foodies:

Mass ample for a 20 cake springform pan with high sides.

For the shortcrust base, quickly mix the flour with the sugar and the ice-cold butter (in small cubes) and grate the crumbs between your fingers. The dough may still be a little crumbly, dusty, if it does not work at all, perhaps drizzle a little ice-cold water over it and knead together again. Put the dough crumbles into the parchment paper lined cake springform pan and press firmly to form a flat base. refrigerate for half an hour. Then perforate several times with a fork and blind bake in the oven (gas 2-3) for max. 15 min.

In the meantime, prepare the bikui dough. Separate eggs, beat egg whites with a few grains of salt until stiff. Beat egg yolks and vanilla sugar, sugar until creamy. Work into the snow once, then sprinkle the flour + baking powder and gently incorporate.

3. shortcrust pastry base should be ready (has taken light color and pale brown edges). Immediately remove from pan and cool on a cooling rack. Line springform pan bottom with new parchment paper – do not grease edges! Clamp and pour in the sponge cake and smooth it down. Bake at level 3 for max. 15 min. Remove from the pan, turn out onto a cake rack and remove the parchment paper.

4. place the short pastry base on the cake plate. Spread with warmed apricot jam. Place sponge cake layer on top. Springform pan rim

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