Salmon Tartare with Wasabi Cucumbers, Lime Crème Fraîche and Hash Browns

Rating: 1.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Salmon tartare:


Lime creme fraiche:


Cut the potatoes into long strings with a potato cutter (spiralo). Fry the pancakes in hot clarified butter until golden brown on both sides, drain on kitchen roll and cut into 8 pieces. Cut the two types of salmon into narrow slices at the beginning, then into strips and finally into small cubes. Mix lime juice, dill, shallots, olive oil, white pepper, salt and coriander with the salmon tartare.

Rinse the cucumber, remove the skin, cut in half and scrape out the core with a spoon. Cut the cucumber flesh into very fine cubes, place in a suitable bowl and mix well with créme fraîche and a hazelnut-sized mass of wasabi. Season with salt, pepper and a little bit of sugar. Put all the ingredients in a suitable bowl and mix until smooth. Arrange the salmon tartare together with the wasabi cucumbers and the lime crème fraîche, place the hash browns on top and garnish with fresh dill.

Tip: Instead of clarified butter, you can also use butter in most cases.

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