
Rating: 4.33 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)

Fines De Claires Oysters au Gratin With Oranges:

Belon Oysters In Spinach Leaf With Kohlrabi:




20 min, elaborate Fines de Claires oysters au gratin with oranges: Carefully open oysters and release the muscle. Clean the deep shells and keep warm. Set oysters aside in oyster stock (= their own liquid).

Foam 10 g butter, add shallots, sweat briefly. Add spinach, dress and add oyster stock. In another vessel, brown 10 g butter, add to spinach form, season with salt and pepper.

Place spinach in the deep oyster shells. Place oysters and halved orange fillets on top. Beat orange juice, Noilly Prat and egg yolks over steam and finally (not too hot) fold in whipped cream and season. Spoon over the oysters form.

Bake quickly in the oven or possibly salamander (grill setting or possibly top heat) until golden. Serve immediately! Belon oysters in spinach leaf with kohlrabi: remove peel from kohlrabi with kitchen knife, cut heightwise into quarters and twelfths, and tourned them in the shape of a half moon. Sauté the kohlrabi in butter until translucent, then add the liquid little by little.

Glaze and season with salt. If necessary, add a little more liquid. Once the kohlrabi is done and the liquid is almost reduced, bind (assemble) with butter flakes just before serving.

Do not make more now! For the stock:

Reduce shallots, white wine and Noilly Prat.

Open the oysters, remove from the muscle. Remove the spinach leaves

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