Calamares en Su Tinta

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)



The mild fishy taste of squid harmonizes excellently with spicy ingredients such as tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers and olive oil. However, the most flavorful ingredient, which almost all squid naturally bring, is their ink, a blackish-brown liquid produced by the dye dusts. It is excellent for flavoring the accompanying sauces, but also for lightly thickening them. Recipes with the addition “en su tinta”, that is, in their own ink, are therefore probably the most famous among the octopus recipes.

By the way, squid and cuttlefish are ideal for stuffing. This is due to their pouchy bodies, with smaller specimens of about 15 to 20 centimeters being the ideal size for a unit. For stuffing, in addition to the ingredients I use, you can also use shrimp meat, fish or other vegetables.

Rinse the squid thoroughly. Cut the head with the tentacles into small pieces with a sharp kitchen knife and carefully cut open the bag lengthwise. Then lift out the cuttlefish shell. To do this, carefully pull the cuttlefish apart by the cut edges so that the fish bone is exposed and within reach. At the bottom of the body, the shiny ink sac with its dark contents, the ink, can now be seen.

Later, the viscera are removed. To do this, grasp the octopus with your hands, reach into the body with a thumb and carefully release the viscera

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