
Rating: 3.17 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Fine mayonnaise(basic recipe):


Preliminary remark:

Eggs and oil must be slightly tempered. For the preparation, the juice of a lemon is the most advantageous (2 tbsp. is about the juice of half a lemon), but vinegar can also be used. If you use fresh eggs from the farmer you know, you do not have to worry about salmonella. However, especially the modified varieties do not keep too long.

Fine mayo (basic recipe)

Beat the egg, the juice of one lemon and the spices in a hand mixer. Add oil with the motor running continuously until the mayo has the desired texture.


Taste modifying ingredients to the finished mayo form and prepare well.

Herring mayo: 1 recipe of fine mayo and 1 watered herring fillet.

Tomato mayo: 1 recipe fine mayo and 1-2 tbsp. paradeis pulp.

Horseradish mayo: 1 recipe fine mayo and 1 tsp. grated horseradish.

Apple mayo: 1 recipe fine mayo and 1/2 tart cleaned out apple.

Banana mayonnaise:

4 tbsp. juice of one lemon, 5 tbsp. oil, salt, 2 bananas Remove peel from bananas. Whisk everything together.

Tip: Always use aromatic spices to enhance your dishes!

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