Brassó Culinary Herb

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Carefully open a small, weakly seeded cabbage head, in this case the outer leaves should remain on the stem. Take off about 8 leaves and cut the remaining part in the middle from the stem with a kitchen knife.

Fry the ground meat, the chopped smoked bacon and the finely chopped onion, add the garlic, the eggs and the spices and mix everything together. Put half of the filling in the middle of the cabbage leaves, place a 20 g piece of bacon on top and put the other half of the filling on top. Carefully fold the cabbage leaves so that you have another cabbage head.

Wrap the stuffed cabbage in a paper towel, tie it together so that the cabbage head keeps its shape. In a suitable vessel, boil the cabbage in bone broth for half an hour. When it is boiled soft, put the cabbage head in a bowl, cover it with another baking dish and press it together while keeping it cold. It is cooled in the ice box, the kitchen paper is taken off and it is cut like a cake.

Our tip: use a delicious spicy bacon for a delicious touch!

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