Moscato Fruits Terrine with Orange Foam and Its Sor

Rating: 3.57 / 5.00 (14 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For The Orange Foam:


For The Sorbet:


Preparation Terrine:

(Attention: Prepare the day before)

Soak the gelatine in cold water, let it melt in the warmed port wine and add it to the Moscato – Champagne mixture warmed up to room temperature. Portion the berries whole, all other fruits into small, pleasing pieces. Glaze the inside of a good pre-cooled baking dish with the wine jelly, place the fruit and berries in layers and pour the wine jelly on top. 12 hours in the refrigerator form. Preparation orange foam:

Make the sugar to a light brown caramel and extinguish with the orange juice (be careful Can splash strongly) and boil to half, cool and strain (pass through a fine sieve). Beat the eggs, egg yolks with the orange liqueur and orange juice reduction in a semicircular baking bowl over a hot water bath (bain-marie) until thick and creamy

(Note to non-professionals: always beat heartily with a whisk or you will quickly end up with egg custard).

Whip until cooled on ice and strain. Then fold in the whipped cream.


Pour a mirror with the orange foam on the plates (form a blob in the center). Cut the fruit terrine into 2 cm thick slices and place on the foam. Fill the hippentueten (ice cream cones) with the sorbet and put them on. Garnish with berries and mint leaves. Good luck !

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