Strammer Max From Quails

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


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Thereupon topping: Toast, then ham, then cucumber. The last layer is freshly fried. Heat a frying pan to medium heat, place the round metal mold on the bottom of the pan and let a small piece of butter melt in it. Then accurately crack a quail egg into the mold, the egg yolk should remain whole and at best perched centrally in the middle. It is important that the frying pan is not too hot, otherwise the egg white will bubble on the spot and the appearance will suffer a little bit. So cook rather gently.

Drape an egg on a piece of bread and salt it a little bit according to the saltiness of the cucumber. The Maexe come quite well fresh on the table, cooled at the buffet or as an apértif.

Very interesting what wikipedia has to contribute to the origin of the name

Meaning >erect penis strengthening

Tip: It is best to use your favorite ham – then your dish will taste twice as good!

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