Apple Sauce Cake with Vanilla Cream

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For the dough:

For the topping:

For the vanilla cream:

For the chocolate icing:


Bring the apple puree to the boil while stirring, add the semolina, remove from the heat, allow to swell and cool.

Spread on the flattened yeast dough and bake at 180 °C – 200 °C for 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool.

Prepare pudding according to package instructions, but use reduced amount of milk. Then allow to cool.

Whip butter until creamy, fold in pudding by tablespoonfuls until buttercream has a firm consistency.

Spread on top of the completely cooled applesauce cake.

Heat the chocolate in a water bath until it is liquid. Stir in the melted coconut oil, as well as the oil.

Cover the cake with the chocolate icing and refrigerate again.

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