
Rating: 3.68 / 5.00 (25 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



For the punkschnigerl beat yolks with 2/3 of the sugar and vanilla until foamy. Add flour with baking powder. Beat the snow with the remaining 1/3 of the sugar until stiff and fold in carefully.

Cover the baking tray with baking paper, spread the sponge mixture and bake at 160 degrees on the middle shelf. Bake for 10 minutes. Let cool and cut out shapes with a small round cookie cutter.

Put the rest of the sponge mixture in a bowl. Add juice of 1 orange, almonds, 1 tbsp. apricot jam and 5 dag. Add cocoa.

Boil the liqueur sugar from 1/8 water with the 4-5 tbsp. sugar, add it and mix it with the rum to a creamy mass. Spread the mixture evenly on the cut out cookies, dip in punch glass.

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