Larded Liver

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A not too fresh calf’s or lamb’s liver is put into pure, cold water, so that the blood is drawn out, then it is larded either whole or in slices cut as thick as a thumb. If the liver is to be fried whole, it is put into browned butter with a little salt, pepper and a few whole shallots or onions sprinkled on it, it is allowed to turn light brown, then a little water is poured over it and it is often basted with jue, as well as a little beer or milk. Liver cut into slices is fried in the same way. The whole liver needs one hour for frying, while the slices are done in half an hour. During frying it must be with the lid closed.

Our tip: use bacon with a subtle smoky note!

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