Autumn Cannelloni

(*) for an ovenproof dish of 2 liters, greased, enough for 4 people prunes: cut into quarters, marinate in cognac Thirty min. Stuffing: heat oil, sauté onion and garlic. Cut Brussels sprouts and chestnuts into quarters, add with prunes, steam. Add the soup, bring to the boil, reduce the heat, simmer gently for about ten … Read more

Apple Slices

For the apple slices, cream butter, sugar, vanilla sugar and yolks. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Peel apples and scrape into small pieces. Sift flour with baking powder and stir into the yolk mixture with the beaten egg whites and apples. Spread the mixture on a baking tray lined with baking paper and … Read more

Lippischer Pickert

Peel the potatoes, grate and mix with a few drops of juice of a lemon. Add eggs and crumbly yeast, fold in raisins, flour and oil. Let the dough rise in a warm place and mix repeatedly. Heat fat in a frying pan, cut out heaps of dough with a damp tablespoon and shape into … Read more

Quince Soup with Plum Wine and Fig Strudel

Quince soup with plum wine and baked fig strudel Cut the quinces with peel and core into wedges and put them into a saucepan. Add apple juice, plum wine, sugar, star anise, cinnamon stick, cloves, vanilla stick and juice of one lemon and soften everything together. Then strain through a sieve and blend in a … Read more

Steinhaeda Gruempelsupp – Steinheider Gruempelsoup

Stir the flour with the egg and a pinch of salt so that “Gruempel” (flour crumbs) are formed. Bring the beef broth with the greens to a boil. Slowly add the “Gruempel” and heat on low heat. After a short boiling, add a little bit of “Peterle” (parsley) and the real Steinheider Gruempelsuppe is ready. … Read more

Morel Sauce – with Cream and Wine

(*) Enough for 6 to 8 people Cook morels in water, 10 min. Depending on the size morels maybe halve or quarter. Boil the morel broth and use it to flavor the sauce. Sauté shallots in butter, add mushrooms, extinguish with white wine and add morel stock, whipped cream and veal stock. Season to taste … Read more

Viennese Style Liver Dumplings

Cut the rolls in half, soak in water, squeeze well. Chop beef liver into very small pieces. Peel onion, cut into fine cubes. Melt butter in a pan, saute onion in it. Press garlic. Wash parsley, pluck leaves, chop finely, add to onion. Finely mince bread, liver, onion, parsley, marjoram and garlic. If you do … Read more

Saddle of Rabbit in Pommery Mustard Sauce

A great spinach recipe for any taste: Remove the rabbit back from the bones and clean it from fat and tendons. If the kidneys are still there, remove the skin from them. For the sauce, put port wine, stock, vinegar and mustard in a saucepan and boil the whole thing by a third. Then whip … Read more

Zucchini Soup with Peanuts

Rinse, clean and coarsely dice the zucchini. Stir the water with the grained soup and cook the zucchini cubes over medium heat for 7 minutes. In the meantime, remove the shell from the peanuts. Remove the brown skins from the seeds and chop coarsely. Add the peanut cream to the soup and crush. Season to … Read more

Duck Breast Salad – Rainer Sass

Season entire breast with salt, season with pepper and sprinkle with tr. thyme. Sear in olive oil on skin side first, then reduce heat and roast for a total of 10 min, turning once to the other side. Rinse and dry leaf lettuce and cut into narrow strips. Peel mangoes, free from pit. Break out … Read more