Spinach Ricotta Dumplings and Shiitake Mushrooms with Herb Cream

For the Spinach Ricotta Dumplings and Shiitake Mushrooms with Herb Cream, first prepare the dumplings. To do this, cut the toast into cubes. Heat the milk and pour over it. Clean, wash and chop the spinach leaves. Dice the onion and garlic. Sauté in a tablespoon of butter. Add spinach and let it collapse. Drain … Read more

Galician Stew

For the Galician stew, soak the ham in water for one night in the refrigerator. Put the ham in a saucepan with onion and bay leaf, pour one and a half L of water. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer gently for 90 min. Take out ham and cut into small pieces. … Read more

Salmon Trout Fillets with Lemon Crust

Pick out any remaining bones from the salmon trout fillets with fish tweezers. Score the fillets lengthwise to create a pocket for stuffing. Heat butter in a frying pan and sauté shallots. Add the chard or spinach, cover and cook for a few minutes. Boil the liquid produced when steaming the chard (or spinach), season … Read more

Potato Soup with Three Kinds of Additions

For the potato soup first cut all vegetables into small cubes, the leek into fine strips. Sauté diced onions and finely chopped ham in olive oil, pour a little clear soup and add all the vegetables except the leek and the kitchen herbs. Pour the rest of the clear soup and simmer gently for about … Read more

Beef Tongue with Polish Sauce.

The tongue of beef is cleaned, washed and boiled together with the necessary roots (celery, parsley, turnip) and a small onion until the water that initially covered the tongue has boiled down to a very little clear soup. Then put the tongue in cold water for a while, remove the thick skin, cut the tongue … Read more

Larded Liver

A not too fresh calf’s or lamb’s liver is put into pure, cold water, so that the blood is drawn out, then it is larded either whole or in slices cut as thick as a thumb. If the liver is to be fried whole, it is put into browned butter with a little salt, pepper … Read more

Clam Sauce

Peel and finely chop the onions and garlic cloves. Fry in the olive oil until translucent. In the meantime, blanch (scald) the tomatoes, peel, quarter, seed and remove the green stalks. Cut the flesh into cubes and add to the onions. Mix with white wine and paradeis pulp. Season with pepper, salt, sugar and thyme … Read more

Ragout with Minced Meat Á La Stroganoff

For ragout with minced meat á la Stroganoff, finely chop the onion, finely slice the mushrooms. Cut the gherkins into small slices. Heat oil in a pan, fry minced meat and onion, add mushrooms and fry. Season with salt and pepper, dust with flour, let sweat. Add white wine, vegetable soup and whipping cream. Stir … Read more

Herb Ravioli on Tomato Concassee

Prepare egg yolks, salt, flour and a few drops of cold water to a firm, smooth dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and rest for 1 hour. Mix ricotta cheese with trout caviar, egg yolk and juice of one lemon and season with salt and pepper. Rinse parsley and pluck leaves from stems. Roll out pasta … Read more

Carrot Ginger Soup

Peel the carrots and cut into pieces about 1 cm. In a saucepan, melt the butter and sprinkle with the sugar. glaze all together without color. Extinguish with orange juice and mirin, reduce and add the clear soup and soy sauce. Simmer until the carrots are soft. Blend on top in a hand blender. Return … Read more