Pasta with Trapanese Pesto – *

A great pasta dish for any occasion: (*) Pasta with pesto Trapani style You cook this spaghetti in summer, when the almond kernels are still very tender. But you can also cook it with dried almond kernels. Mince the garlic with the basil, the almond kernels and a little bit of oil. Pour into a … Read more

Crema Fritta

For the crema fritta, sift the flour through a fine hair sieve into a saucepan and mix with the eggs, sugar, vanilla pulp and lemon zest. Gradually add the milk and let it simmer for 10 minutes just below boiling point, stirring constantly, until a thick creamy consistency is obtained. Pour the cream onto a … Read more

Drink 2004: Rumba North

Half orange quarter in the glass form, add the brown sugar, then mash the oranges. Fill the glass with crushed ice. Add the various spirits on top. Finally, fill up with tonic water.

Cherry Pie From the Baking Tray

A great cake recipe for any occasion: Defrost the puff pastry slices as directed on the package. Line a baking sheet lined with parchment paper with 9 puff pastry slices so that the slices overlap. While doing this, press the edges well smooth and prick the dough a few times with a fork. Cut the … Read more

Potato Soup with Chanterelles

Peel and rinse the potatoes, cut one potato into small cubes. Cut the remaining potatoes into small slices. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry the potato cubes until crispy. Put them on a paper towel and save them for the sauce. Foam butter, sauté potato slices in it, pour in beef … Read more

Chicken Fillets in Champagne Dough

For the chicken fillets in champagne batter, first mix the batter. To do this, mix the flour with champagne or sparkling wine and yolks. Beat the egg whites with a good pinch of salt until stiff and fold in. Season with salt, pepper and a small pinch of nutmeg or curry powder. Cut chicken breast … Read more

Leek Wreath

For the leek wreath, make a yeast dough from the ingredients for the dough and let it rise for at least 1 hour. Roll out and divide into 2 parts. Spread both parts with cream cheese, cut leeks and prosciutto into thin strips, cover the dough pieces with them and season well as desired. Then … Read more

Fruit Confection

Finely chop the fruit. Place in a bowl with the grated nuts and mix with rum and honey to form a malleable mass and season to taste. (If the mass is too dry, add a little more rum.) Form 10 to 20 g heavy balls and roll in grated chocolate, granulated sugar or coconut flakes. … Read more

Spanish Tenderloin

Carve poulard into eight pieces, rinse and pat dry with paper towels. Season with salt, bell pepper and paprika. Fry in hot oil on all sides. Remove from frying pan and set aside. Blanch (scald) tomatoes with boiling hot water, remove skins and cut flesh into cubes. Peel and chop onions. Peel garlic clove and … Read more

Iced Melon Soup with Lobster and Mint

Boil lobster for 5 minutes, let cool, remove and break out. Cut the lobster meat into small cubes. Lobster sauce: poke lobster shells and fry in olive oil. Pour off the fat, add tomato paste, deglaze with cognac and white wine and reduce completely. Add fish stock and reduce again. Add the cream and leave … Read more