Floral Nectarine Yogurt

For the flowery nectarine yogurt, mix yogurt with honey and one nectarine cut into small pieces and pour into a bowl. Cut the second nectarine into wedges. Decorate flowery nectarine yogurt with the nectarine wedges, flower power spice and edible flowers.

Bean and Sprout Salad

A great noodle dish for any occasion: Cut glass noodles into five-inch pieces and cook according to package directions. Rinse peppers and leeks, dice peppers, cut leeks into rings. Drain bean sprouts and bamboo shoots, mix with glass noodles, bell peppers and leeks. For the dressing: Stir through the sesame oil with sherry salt, vinegar, … Read more

Buttermilk Pickle for Game:

Mix white wine vinegar, thyme sprigs, buttermilk, allspice seeds, cinnamon stick, cloves, ginger and bay leaves. Rub meat dry with paper towels, place in pickling liquid, cover and refrigerate for 5-7 days. Turn to the other side every day.

Mascarpone Sage Star

and cinnamon whisk. Cut the peach into fine wedges, then simmer in white wine with honey and cinnamon. Pull the sage leaves through a crêpe dough made of flour, egg and milk and finish baking in oil. Finally, arrange the mascarpone cream in a spherical shape on a plate with an ice cream scoop. Spread … Read more

Flambéed Bananas with Vanilla Ice Cream

For flambé bananas, peel the bananas and cut in half lengthwise. Heat half the butter in a frying pan and fry the bananas vigorously on both sides, then remove from the heat. In another pan, heat the remaining butter, add orange zest and sugar and let it caramelize slightly. Add orange and lime juice and … Read more

Saxon Potato Soup

Mash the boiled potatoes. Add the finely diced onion, grated celery, caraway seeds and fill with boiling hot water. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper and let it boil repeatedly. Fry the diced bacon, add to the soup and sprinkle with chopped celery herb and parsley. Sausages can still be warmed in the soup. … Read more

Cheesecake without Baking

For the no-bake cheesecake, first crumble the butter cookies, mix with flaked almonds and melted butter and press into a cake pan. Whip the cream until stiff and soak the gelatine in cold water. Mix curd, yogurt, sugar and lemon zest and fold in whipped cream. Heat the juice of the lemon with the strawberry … Read more

Eggplant Roulades with Feta

Cut the melanzani 1-2 cm on both sides. Cut fruit lengthwise into 10 slices. Cut the slices into small cubes. Garlic directly to press. Roast melanzane in a grill pan without fat on both sides over medium heat until golden brown (turn often to the other side). While still warm, brush with the garlic oil, … Read more

Fried Egg Tart, Caribbean

A cake recipe for all foodies: Mass ample for a 20 cake springform pan with high sides. For the shortcrust base, quickly mix the flour with the sugar and the ice-cold butter (in small cubes) and grate the crumbs between your fingers. The dough may still be a little crumbly, dusty, if it does not … Read more