Tight Max

Toast the baguette slices until golden and spread with butter. Cut the ham into small cubes of 1/2 cm edge length and spread evenly on the baguette slices. Heat oil in a large frying pan. Gently beat the quail eggs, add the eggs to the hot oil and fry over medium heat until set. Remove … Read more

Baked Cheese Trio

For the baked cheese trio, cut the cheese into 1.5 cm thick slices. Dredge the cheese in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and place in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Then fry the cheese in oil until golden brown and serve the baked cheese trio.

Zucchini and Potato Pancakes

For the Zucchini Peanut Pancakes, first rinse tomatoes, remove stem, cut tomatoes into quarters, set 4 quarters aside. Core and dice the rest. Mix yogurt with tomato pulp and cubes, season with salt, pepper and refrigerate. Rinse, clean and coarsely grate zucchini. Peel and rinse potatoes and grate in the same way. Lightly squeeze potato … Read more

Cinnamon Tiramisu

For the cinnamon tiramisu prepare a cream from powdered sugar, mascarpone, yolks, egg liqueur and salt. Mix coffee and coffee liqueur. For the first layer, dip the biscuits in the coffee-liqueur mixture on one side and place in a suitable mold. Spread some of the cream on top and sprinkle with cinnamon. Dip both sides … Read more

Fischerl in Puff Pastry Coat

For Fischerl in puff pastry coat, wash the pork tenderloin and pat dry. Season with salt and pepper. Lay bacon strips side by side, slightly overlapping, and roll the pork tenderloin in them. Heat oil in a pan and sear the pork tenderloin. Roll out the puff pastry and place the pork tenderloin in the … Read more

Mushroom Omelet

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Cut the ham into pieces. Chop the onion very finely. Fry well with the fat in the frying pan. Beat eggs and add salt (max 1/2 tsp), pepper, mineral water and milk with hand mixer longer until very creamy. Pour half of the egg mixture into a … Read more

Sole Salmon Tartare

Put sole and salmon fillets in baking dish and mix carefully, put to cool. Mix olive oil, chives and juice of one lemon precisely with the fish. Season with pepper and salt. Fold the cream into the fish mixture. Arrange balls with two soup spoons. Offer on cold plates. Garnish with parsley leaves. Our tip: … Read more

Shrimps From the Grill on Caesar Salad

Clean the lettuce, rinse and spin dry. Pluck the larger leaves into small pieces. Remove the crust from the toast and cut into cubes. Heat butter in a frying pan and toast the bread cubes in it to golden croutons. Then cool the croutons on kitchen roll and set aside. Peel and coarsely chop the … Read more

Chocolate Buns

For the chocolate buns, prepare the shortcrust pastry according to the package instructions. Preheat oven to 200° top/bottom heat. For the filling, bring milk, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon zest to a boil. Add hazelnuts, chocolate and breadcrumbs, stir and let cool. Unroll dough with the baking paper rolled along directly on the baking … Read more

Falafel – Egyptian Style

Perhaps your new favorite bean dish: Soak broad beans for one night, peel, cut in half. Soak bread rolls (buns) in water, then squeeze well. Chop garlic, onions, leek, parsley. Mix well with beans, season with salt, cumin, black pepper. Put everything through a meat grinder twice (medium disk). Cut out small dumplings from this … Read more