Snack Salad

For the snack salad, cut the mozzarella, tomatoes, cucumber and bell bell pepper into small pieces and put them in a bowl. For the marinade, mix the vinegar with oil, salt and pepper and pour over the vegetables. Finally, sprinkle some chives on top.

Semolina Cake

Mix semolina and milk and leave to swell for 2 hours. Then mix with the remaining ingredients. Preheat the oven to 170 °C. Pour the dough into a greased pan and bake the semolina cake for about 1 hour.

Egg Liqueur Poppy Seed Cake

A great cake recipe for any occasion: Prepare: Preheat the oven. Grease the cake springform pan (O 26 cm). Mixing dough: Mix soft light butter or butter in a wide bowl with a mixer (whisk) until smooth. gradually add sugar and vanillin sugar, stirring until combined. Fold in each egg for 1/2 minute on high … Read more

Basic Recipe Vanilla Ice Cream

Beat the yolks with the sugar until creamy. Bring the milk to the boil with the whipping cream, salt and vanilla pulp (or vanilla sugar) and add to the egg yolk mixture while stirring. Cook in hot water bath until viscous, stirring constantly. Pour off through a fine sieve and cool quickly while beating. Pour … Read more

Nut Biscuits with Marzipan

To make the nut cookies with marzipan, crumble the marzipan between your fingers and place in a bowl. Add the nuts, a pinch of cinnamon, sugar and only 1 egg white at first, mix thoroughly and knead everything vigorously. Add next egg white and some rum, work through and continue like this until a nice … Read more

Ham Crackers

Cream margarine and gradually stir in remaining ingredients until well blended. Assemble 2 crackers with each and top with a dab of filling. Garnish as desired with radish or grape slices, bell pepper pieces and parsley.

Nut Puff Pastry Pie Baklawa

Defrost the puff pastry slices one against the other on a floured surface. In the meantime, coarsely chop or grind the nuts in a blitz chopper or similar and place in a large enough bowl. Melt the butter (1) in a small frying pan and add it with the honey, the egg, the cinnamon and … Read more

Zucchini Quiche with Peas

For the zucchini quiche, quickly knead a shortcrust pastry from flour, butter, yolk and 2 tablespoons cold water. I have already worked into the shortcrust 1 tablespoon thyme – but you do not have to. Grease a quiche dish (28 cm) with butter, chill the shortcrust pastry for 1/2 hour, preferably roll it out between … Read more

Banana Cream

For the banana cream, mix the cornflour and sugar with the milk until smooth and bring to the boil over a low heat, stirring constantly. Allow to cool slightly. Mix with 1 yolk and the finely mashed bananas (3 pieces). Fold the stiffly beaten snow into the coldly stirred cream. Decorate the banana cream with … Read more

Grape Jam

For the grape jam, rinse the water. Heat some water in a saucepan, add the grapes and bring to the boil. Then strain the grapes through a hair sieve or pass them through a liquid soap. Measure out the grape puree and mix it in a pot with the same amount of preserving sugar. Add … Read more