Utrecht Escalope

Pasta dishes are always a good idea! Flatten turkey cutlets, season with pepper. Fry in half of the butter on both sides for about 2 min., season with salt and place them next to each other in a greased gratin dish. Chop onion finely, cut mushrooms into thin slices. Saute onion in remaining butter until … Read more


For mac’n’cheese, preheat oven to 200° and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Peel and core the pumpkin (there should now be 350-400 g of pumpkin flesh), cut into 1 cm thick slices and spread on the tray. Cook in oven (center) until tender, 18-22 minutes. Meanwhile, cook pasta in salted water until well … Read more

Fennel Vegetables

For the fennel vegetables deb Cut fennel in half lengthwise and cut out the stalk wedge-shaped, cut into ½ cm thick slices. Fry the fennel in oil until lightly browned, cover with a perforated ladle, fry the onion and finely chopped garlic in the drippings until lightly browned, deglaze with white wine and vermouth, pour … Read more

Roasted Shoulder of Lamb with Parsley Roots

Season the shoulder of lamb with salt and pepper. Sear well all around in hot oil and place in a roasting pan. Sauté the shallots (or roughly chopped onions) well in oil, add the parsley roots, pour in some soup or red wine and add to the shoulder. Add garlic and thyme and roast in … Read more

Pasta with Cherry Tomatoes and Bacon

Halve or quarter cherry tomatoes according to size. Season lightly with salt. Peel garlic and cut into thin slices. Cut sage into fine strips, chives into rolls. Halve the pepperoncino lengthwise and cut into fine strips. Cut the bacon into strips as well. Cook the pasta in enough boiling salted water until al dente. cook … Read more

Styrian Kernel Oil Egg Dish

For the Styrian pome oil egg dish, sort fresh herbs as accurately as possible, wash well and chop. Beat eggs and whisk lightly with a fork. Add salt and herbs. Slightly heat vegetable oil preferably in a cast iron pan, stir in egg mixture and stir with a fork always from the outside to the … Read more

Lamb with Saffron Pueree and Bell Pepper Rolls

1. clean the saddle of lamb, remove half of the meat and skin from each rib and scrape thoroughly with the back of a knife. Precisely remove the silverskin and fat from the meat. Set work steps aside. Cover saddle of lamb with foil and set aside to cool. Chop onions into small pieces. 2. … Read more

Lukewarm Beetle Bean Salad with Boiled Beef

Maybe your new favorite bean dish: Briefly blanch (scald) the boiled beef in boiling hot salted water, pour cold water over it repeatedly, add salt, simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes, skimming the clear soup repeatedly. Add the vegetables and spices and cook the boiled beef just below the boiling point. Remove the … Read more

Baby Food: Cauliflower Potato Beef Porridge

Homemade baby food – First complementary food For the cauliflower-pea-beef porridge, rinse the beef in cold water and cut into cubes. Cook in a little water over low heat until done. Wash the cauliflower and cut into small florets. Wash, peel and chop the potato. Cook together with the cauliflower florets in a little water … Read more

Black and White Hazelnuts

For black and white hazelnuts, cream butter, sugar, salt and vanilla pulp until fluffy. Dissolve staghorn salt in water and stir in with the flour. Knead 25 g more flour into half of the dough, form a roll out of it, cut into about 40 pieces, form balls and place on a baking tray lined … Read more