Asian Poulard Soup

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

The base:

Classic spices:


Place the soup chicken in a generously sized saucepan and cover generously with 5 liters of water. (You can always reduce the clear soup!) Quickly bring the saucepan to boiling point, skim off the evaporating trub and proteins with a skimmer and reduce the temperature.

If you want to make a simple clear soup, add the vegetables and spices and let the clear soup simmer for a night or several hours below the boiling point (without the lid). However, if you continue to use meat and vegetables, let the soup steep with the spices for a maximum of 120 minutes and add the vegetables no earlier than an hour before finishing.

The cleaned and perhaps peeled vegetables (This depends on the further use. If you want to eat or grind the vegetables later, they should be peeled) coarsely diced. Press the spices in a mortar or between two frying pans a little bit smooth and best form in a cloth bag. Salt and thyme can be added in this way. Remove the clear soup from the stove and, while it is still warm, strain it through a fine sieve and a dish. In this type of preparation, neither the vegetables nor the chicken are usually used.

All ingredients are drained and the best is the clear soup. This can be kept in preserving jars or possibly frozen in portions and serves as a p

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