Baked Elderberry After Old Monastery Recipe

Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Omelet dough:

For baking:

To sprinkle over:


The elderberry must be picked fresh – just blossomed.

Make a liquid omelet dough (see below) and rest a little bit.

Wash the flowers, shake them dry and put them in the lemon-fruit-sugar marinade for 2 to 3 hours.

Drain the blossoms and allow the liquid to flow into the omelet batter. Dip elderflowers into the omelet batter and finish baking in plenty of oil. Cut the stems from the blossoms as short as possible, as soon as the dough starts to firm up. Drain well, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon, bring to the table very hot.

For the omelet dough: mix together flour (1) and flour (2) (*), salt, sugar (**). Now add the eggs, egg yolks and butter and beat everything together heartily. Pour in the milk and cream and beat heartily one more time. If the dough seems too firm, add a little more milk. Finally, fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites.

(*) If you want to cook normal omelets with it, omit flour (2). The dough should then have about the consistency of liquid cream. This rich omelet dough is suitable as a base for the various pancake, pancake and baked-out doughs, as well as for waffles.

(**) for savory omelets, of course, omit the powdered sugar.

Tip: It is best to use your favorite ham – then your dish will taste twice as good!

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