Bubble Bread – Cinnamon Bread Cake

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 12.0 (Portionen)


For rolling:


A simple but delicious cake recipe:

Grease a Frankfurter-Kranz-geben or possibly large bundt pan.

In a large baking bowl, mix the flour (I) and the yeast form. In a saucepan, heat the milk and let the butter melt in it, add the sugar and salt. Add this mixture together with the eggs to the flour form. Mix well with the dough hook of the mixer, gradually incorporating as much of the flour (Ii) as possible.

Shape the dough onto a floured surface and knead, incorporating more flour until the dough is soft and elastic. Shape into a ball.

Shape the dough into a lightly greased baking bowl, cover and rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk (about 1 and one-quarter hours). Press the dough together, shape on a floured surface, cover one more time and rest for 10 min.

In a small baking bowl, mix the sugar, nuts and cinnamon form.

Divide the dough into 24 pieces. Form each piece into a ball, dip in the melted butter and roll in the sugar mixture. Place the dough balls in 3 staggered layers in the prepared pan.

Sprinkle the top layer with the remaining sugar mixture. give cover and leave in a warm place another time until just about doubled in volume (about half an hour). Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Bake the bread roll for about 45 minutes.

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