Bubespitzle – Schupfnudeln with Alfred’s Vanilla Sauce

Rating: 2.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Vanilla sauce:


Try this delicious pasta dish:

Schupfnudeln: Cook the potatoes in salted water until tender, drain and peel. Press the cooled potatoes through a potato press and knead with the flour, egg yolk and a pinch of salt to a firm dough. Spread a generous amount of flour evenly on a large wooden board and roll the dough into a roll about 25 cm long.

Cut 2 cm wide pieces from it with a kitchen knife and roll them into finger-thick and finger-long sausages. Then, in a large saucepan, bring water to a boil and pour in the dough sausages. When they float to the surface, remove and drain.

Melt the butter in a frying pan. Toast the Schupfnudeln in it until golden, then place them on plates with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon sprinkled over them and bring to the table with the brown butter poured over them.

Alfred’s vanilla sauce:

Bring the whipping cream, milk and the pulp of the vanilla bean to a boil in a saucepan. Stir the sugar with the egg yolks and the cornstarch. Pour the egg yolk mixture into the boiling milk-whipped cream mixture and bring to a boil once. Pass the custard through a sieve and bring to the table.

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