Caesar’s Salad with Blackened Roasted Poulard Breast

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (10 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)

Cajun spice blend:

Poulard breast:




Cajun herb mixture: 1 tsp. each of black peppercorns, cumin seeds and white mustard seeds, roast all together in a frying pan without oil and finely grind with 1 tsp. each of chili spice, dried oregano, salt and 2 tsp. each of paprika powder and dried thyme.

Clean, rinse and spin dry the lettuce and cut into bite-sized pieces. Rinse tomatoes and cut in half.

For the dressing, roast almond kernels in a frying pan without oil until golden brown and cool. Blend finely in a food processor together with mustard, anchovy fillets, peeled garlic clove, juice of one lemon and half of the vegetable soup. Drizzle in salad oil, first drop by drop, then in a thin stream. Dilute occasionally with clear soup until dressing has a creamy consistency. Season with salt, pepper and juice of one lemon. Shave Parmesan cheese into fine shavings.

Remove the crust from the toast and cut into cubes. Heat the butter with the halved garlic clove in a frying pan, toast the bread cubes in it while stirring until golden, season lightly with salt and transfer to a sieve.

Fry the bacon slices in the frying pan until crispy without adding any fat. Keep croutons and bacon warm.

6. brown seasoned poulard breast in a frying pan in a little oil, reduce heat and finish roasting on both sides for 3 min. each (with this method of preparation, meat as well as seasonings may become a little darker than usual, which gives the poultry a lei

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