Caramelized Yogurt Parfait

Rating: 3.59 / 5.00 (32 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the caramelized yogurt parfait, squeeze the lemon and grate some zest.

Bring the sugar to the boil with 50 ml of water and mix well. Whisk the yolks. Add the sugar solution with the vanilla sugar to the egg yolks and whisk over steam until thick and fluffy. Then place the bowl in ice water and beat the mixture until it is almost cold. Stir in the yogurt and lemon zest. Whip the cream until stiff and fold into the mixture. Pour the yogurt parfait into ramekins and place in the freezer for at least 4 hours – preferably overnight.

Turn the parfaits out onto dessert plates and sprinkle with cane sugar. Caramelize the sugar with a blowtorch.

Carefully sort out the raspberries and puree with a hand blender. If you like, you can pass the raspberry puree through a hair sieve to remove the small seeds. Pour the raspberry puree over the caramelized yogurt parfait.

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