Cheese Cream Puff with Granduro

Rating: 1.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Bring the water to a boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the flour and salt, stirring throughout. Stir the dough over low heat until it forms a dumpling.

When the dumpling separates from the cooking pot, remove the cooking pot from the fire and let the dough cool for a minute. Using a mixer, gradually stir the eggs into the dough until it is soft and shiny (about 2 min).

Place the parchment paper on the baking tray. Using a piping bag with a smooth nozzle, pipe 3 heaps of dough 1.5 cm high per unit onto the tray.

Bake the puffs in the middle of the heated oven at 225 degrees for 12 minutes until golden brown.

Remove the cream puffs from the baking sheet and cool on a broiler.

Finely grind the pistachio nuts with the blueberries in a food processor and stir into the crème fraîche together with the Granduro.

Cut open the cream puffs so that two-thirds of each is cut off horizontally. Fill the cheese cream into the pouches and return the lids again. Mix the cinnamon with the powdered sugar and sprinkle over the cream puffs with a sieve.

Press the washed and cleaned strawberries through a sieve (or crush them with a food processor) and stir them through with the sugar and strawberry liqueur. Pour a tiny bit of strawberry juice per unit onto a chilled plate.

Garnish the sauce by drizzling a few drops of whipped cream on top of the strawberry sauce and running a small stick through the blobs once.


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