Chocolate Strawberry Slices

Rating: 3.86 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 8.0 (servings)





For the dough, mix butter with powdered sugar until fluffy – gradually add the yolks.

Meanwhile, beat the egg whites with the fine crystal sugar until stiff, slowly add to the mixture.

Allow the melted dark chocolate to trickle into the mixture.

Finally, add the flour and preheat the oven to 170 degrees.

Spread the dough mixture on a baking tray and frame (approx. 25×20) lined with baking paper – bake in the oven for approx. 35 min (don’t forget to test with a stick!).

Let cool.

For the cream, mix mascarpone, yogurt, lemon juice and vanilla sugar in a bowl until smooth.

Soak gelatin in cold water.

Beat GUMA Pâtisserie cream until 3/4 stiff, then mix with yogurt mixture.

Squeeze gelatine, heat briefly with rum – then stir the liquid gelatine briskly into the mixture.

Immediately mix 3/4 of the cream with the strawberry puree in an extra bowl.

Allow both creams to set in the refrigerator for at least 30 min. Stir each cream again before using.

Cut the sponge in half, spread the red cream on top – cover with the second sponge. Chill in the refrigerator again for 30 min.

Remove the slices from the mold – pipe dots with the white cream and piping bag. For a colorful pattern, part of the cream can be colored with food coloring.

For the chocolate strawberries, dip the halved strawberries in liquid chocolate coating and let cool. Decorate the slices with them before eating.

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