
Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




Fine Asian dish with shiitake mushrooms, Chinese cabbage and spring onions.

Unfreeze the pastry sheets on a wet dish hangl.

For the filling, chop shiitake, broccoli and Chinese cabbage, chop scallions and garlic. Mix vegetables with finely grated soy sauce, sherry, ginger, salt and pepper and let sit for ten minutes with lid closed. Then spread evenly in center of pastry sheets, brush edges with water and press together to form pouches, leaving top slightly open.

Cover steamer basket with a banana leaf or parchment paper and place dim sum on top, one at a time. Cover and steam for 5-7 minutes until cooked through.

Tip: You can find the dough sheets in Asian stores, cut to the right size and frozen. You can also cook the dim sum with homemade pasta dough (250 g flour and 2 eggs).

If you like, enrich the filling with cooked, finely chopped chicken or shrimp meat (from a can). Cook the dim-sum on a surface, otherwise the tender dough will stick.

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