Duck Burger in Pogatscherl

Rating: 3.91 / 5.00 (35 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the pogatscherl:


For the duck burger in pogatscherl, first stir the crumbled yeast with 1 tablespoon sugar until liquid.

Coarsely chop the grams. Heat with the lard, add milk. Let cool a little. Knead with yeast, flour, sour cream, eggs and salt. Let rise for about 35 minutes.

Cover a baking tray with baking paper. Whisk the egg to coat.

Roll out about 1/2 inch thick and cut out large burger buns with a cake ring or bowl. Place on the baking sheet and cover with a tea towel. Let rise again for about 20 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 190 °C hot air. Bake the pogatscherl until they are golden brown.

Before preparing the duck breast, preheat the oven to 120 °C top/bottom heat. Trim the duck breast. Salt and pepper the duck and brush it thinly with a little honey. Fry in a pan without oil, skin side down, for about 5 minutes. Turn and fry again for a few minutes. Finish cooking in the oven for about 15 minutes. Then cut into slices.

In the meantime, peel and finely chop the onion. Clean the red cabbage and grate finely.

Heat the oil and sauté the onion. Add the red cabbage. Pour in apple juice and wine, put a lid on it and cook until the cabbage is soft.

When everything is ready, assemble the duck burgers in the pogatscherl. To do this, cut the pogatscherl lengthwise in the middle, place red cabbage and duck meat on the

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