Fish Pudding

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)



Instead of the onion, you can also finely chop the white part of a leek and stir it in, as Heidi’s neighbor Sidsel prefers. With saffron or a little bit of sweated curry powder, you can modify this fish farce to taste. However, this no longer corresponds to the real Norwegian tradition, which should not stop you from experimenting.

Cut the fillets into coarse pieces and cool them very well. This is best done in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. 30-60 min. offer out in each case according to refrigerator capacity. In the meantime, chop the onion very finely. Stir the cornstarch with a little milk. Cool the milk and the egg in the same way. Then puree the fillets in a food processor and, while the machine is still running, add the onion, the cornstarch milk, the egg, the remaining salt, pepper, milk and nutmeg (freshly grated). If you use a little less than the amount of milk indicated, it will be a little firmer, with a little more milk a little softer. Work quickly so that the fish mixture does not heat up from the beating. When you make the final taste, you should fold in the seasonings with a spoon.

Put quantity into a buttered, waterproof king cake pan, preferably glass, or possibly ceramic. Place this on a rack in a bath of boiling hot water. The water should fill the mold to about two

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