Fish Stew with Shrimps

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)




Cut the fish fillets into wide strips and season with salt and pepper.

Bring the soup and white wine to the boil. Add the fish strips and the peas. Cook for five to six minutes before boiling point with the lid closed, adding the shrimps halfway through the cooking time. Remove everything with a skimmer and keep warm.

Measure out the indicated amount of gravy. Return to the pan with the Noilly Port or Prat and boil until half cooked.

In the meantime, chop the chervil or tarragon.

Stir the crème fraîche with a little hot sauce liquid and add. Mix the egg yolks and cream well and stir into the sauce.

Season with salt and pepper. Add tarragon or possibly chervil and heat the sauce briefly while stirring, but do not do so, otherwise the egg yolks will curdle. Add fish, shrimps and peas repeatedly and season if necessary.

Serving suggestion: Serve the ragout with a mixture of game and rice or boiled potatoes.

For the small household, starting from the recipe for 4 people:

Two people: halve ingredients, but for the sauce use 1_dl fish stock and 1/2_dl Noilly Prat and boil to 3/4_dl.

One person: quarter ingredients, but for cooking the fish stew use 2_dl vegetable stock and 1/2_dl white wine, for the sauce use 1_dl fish stock and 1/4_dl Noilly Prat and cook to 1/2_dl, then finish the sauce with 2_scoops of cream.

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