Fountain of Youth Roulade with Sweet Potatoes

Rating: 4.99 / 5.00 (1416 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For the chickpeas:

For beet and sweet potato wedges:

For the kale:

For the garnish:


Soak the chickpeas overnight in cold water, drain the water and simmer in fresh water according to the package.

Wash the beet and sweet potato, then quarter the beet and cut the sweet potato into wedges. Coat everything with a little olive oil and cook in the oven at 180 ° C for 25 minutes. Keep both warm.

Wash the kale leaves and steam them for 5 minutes. Then set aside 3 steamed leaves for the roulades and leave them whole. Finely chop the remaining leaves.

Chop the beet while still warm and mix with the halved walnuts and the chopped kale leaves, chickpeas and some fermented red cabbage. Marinate with olive oil, lemon puree, salt, chili, crushed cumin, fennel and anise.

Put the mixture on the whole kale leaves and form roulades. Cut them at one end and place the roulades on the closed side and garnish the top with fermented red cabbage.

Serve with sweet potato wedges.

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