Fried Skate with Bacon

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Ask your fishmonger to peel the skin off the skate wing. Cut off the wing tips (they are not covered with meat and will soak up the butter like sponges during frying). Rinse the skate wing thoroughly and pat dry on paper towels.

Peel the onion and the shallots and cut them into thin slices. Remove the skin from the tomatoes (immerse them in boiling water for 30 seconds), cut them into quarters and remove the seeds.

Clean the mushrooms thoroughly, rinse and cut into slices. Cut the zucchini into slices. Wrap the bacon slices around the skate wing. The skate wing should be completely wrapped like a package. Salt and season with pepper. In a heatproof dish, heat 50 g of butter until it becomes creamy. Brown the skate wing in it. Once the bacon has taken on a golden color, turn the wing to the other side and fry the other side until just as golden, adding the onion and shallots. Later add the quartered tomatoes, mushrooms and zucchini slices. Put the sprig of thyme on the skate wing, season with salt and pepper and cook the dish for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

At the end of the cooking time, remove the dish from the stove, cover it with aluminum foil and let it rest for 10 minutes. Remove the aluminum foil and bring to the table in the dish.

Our tip: Use a bacon with a strong flavor – so ve

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