Garlic Soup with Apple Crust

Rating: 2.83 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Apple crusts:



Separate the egg. Beat the egg yolks, 10 g sugar, vanilla sugar, 1 pinch salt and 1 tbsp lukewarm water with the whisks of a mixer until creamy and pale. Rinse the apple, grate roughly around the core on a household grater, squeeze well and fold into the egg yolk mixture. Whip egg whites and remaining sugar with the whisks of a mixer until stiff. 2.

Fold the flour, cornstarch and snow alternately into the egg yolk mixture. 3.

Cover a baking tray with parchment paper and spread the mixture in a 20×15 cm rectangle. Bake in a hot oven at 175 °C (gas 2, convection oven 175 °C ) on the 2nd rack from the bottom for 12 minutes. Take out and cool. Turn out the sponge cake, remove the paper and straighten the edges of the pastry. Cut sponge into 1, 5 cm diamonds.

Peel and halve garlic (remove any green sprouts). Cut 1 clove of garlic into fine slices, roast in 1 tbsp oil until golden brown, drain on kitchen roll. Roughly chop remaining garlic. Peel and coarsely chop the shallots.

Heat remaining oil in a saucepan, sauté garlic and shallots over medium heat for 2-3 min without color. Fill up with wine and open for another 2 min. Pour in stock and whipped cream, season with salt and pepper and leave open for 15 min.

6. finely mash soup with a hand blender, then thicken with lightly stirred cornstarch, make 1 minute. Pour into warmed plates, garnish with apple crusts, garlic slices and

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