Gerard Perriard: La Petite Creme DÂorange

Rating: 3.86 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)


To serve:


Refreshing dessert: the orange cream by Gerard Perriard (Restaurant Centenario, Locarno Ti) served ice cold.

(*) For twelve ‘Eierpfaennli’ with a diameter of eight centimeters.

Cream in a saucepan together with cinnamon stick form, bring to the exact heat of 70 °C. Cover and remove the pan from the stove. Remove the cinnamon stick before further use.

Beat the yolks with the sugar until the foamy quantity turns whitish. Gradually add the cinnamon cream and finally the orange juice. This quantity is now poured into the small porcelain molds, which are placed in the oven heated to 130 ° C. There, they are to be baked for fifteen minutes.

Meanwhile, they should remain there for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Attention: The egg mixture must not be cooked solid! After this time, when you take them out of the oven, the surface of the egg mixture should be a little firmer, but it should still look quite liquid. Cool the orange cream for a moment. Then place the ramekins in the refrigerator until further use. The cream must be ice cold for it to taste perfect.

Before serving, top each cremini with a few orange fillets removed, and without the skin. A piece of candied orange peel goes on top as a decoration. Finally, season each dessert individually with a few drops of fresh orange juice and a single (!) drop of ‘Grand Marnier’. Serve immediately and

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