Get Into the Stove and Forget for Hours…

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For The Avocado Sauce:

From The Category Of:


Beat Wüthrich:

The sauce must be hot in this cooking method because the meat does not come out of the stove and is eaten unhealthily fiery-hot, so herb butter or similar cold spiciness would be unsuitable.

Speaking of which, the low-cooking method originated with Sir Benjamin Thompson, better known as the Earl of Rumford (Rumford Soup). He is said to have slipped a shoulder of lamb into the not-too-hot stove sometime around 1800; after three hours, he took the meat out and noted that it was almost still raw. A cook put it in the stove again and forgot about it for hours. Rumford ate it again and was ghostly: “I was amazed to taste a meat that was so pleasantly different from anything else that had been roasted up to that point. It melted in the mouth and was unusually tasty and juicy.”

About 180 years after Rumford’s accidental discovery, the method once again entered the kitchens of a few chefs. The big difference: the meat is seared before the big forget.

If the proposed sauce seems too bland, herb butter too boring, you can choose the simplest version of an avocado foam: Remove the skin from a ripe avocado, cut it in half lengthwise, remove the pit, scoop out the flesh, sprinkle with the juice of one lemon and mash with three tablespoons of heavy cream. Then, as described in the recipe above, degrease the roast stock, heat it and add the avocado puree. Do not make in any case but

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