Graved Salmon

Rating: 2.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Graved salmon, also spelled gravlax, literally means “dug-in salmon”, as the fish used to be placed in holes in the ground with the pickling agents and weighted down with stones in order to force seasoning in and water out due to the resulting pressure.

In Scandinavia, graved salmon is up to 30% more expensive than smoked salmon. In Sweden, fresh dill is usually used, but you can also use freeze-dried dill to keep the sprout count lower.

Cut salmon fillets with skin into “suitable” pieces, large enough to fit into the glass or earthenware cooking pot in which they will be piled. Mix sugar and salt and rub it on the flesh sides of the salmon.

First a layer of salt-sugar mixture, then a piece of salmon, on top of that pepper and dill, etc.

On top of the layered pieces of fish, place or lay a little something heavy (such as a filled bottle) to compress the fish.

Leave to marinate for at least 24 hours, preferably for 2-3 days.

Then scrape well all the kitchen herbs and cut the salmon into very thin slices. Thicker slices of Gravad salmon can be grilled in the same way. Garnish with lemon slices and dill. Keeps for a week in the refrigerator. As a main course with potatoes, as well as an entrée and on bread.

Tip: The skin on the fillets, then the salmon is easier to cut later Tip: Taste variation: juniper berries and 1 glass of gin over the salmon pieces Form Belongs to the “Julbord”, the tradi

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