Hessian Petzkuchen

Rating: 3.78 / 5.00 (32 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the dough:

For the coating 1:

For the coating 2:


For the Petzkuchen, first prepare the dough.

For the dough, put some flour in a bowl. Make a well in the center and mix the crumbled yeast with some sugar and 4 tablespoons of lukewarm milk.

Cover and let rise for about 30 minutes. The volume should have doubled. Put the rest of the flour in a bowl, add the pre-dough and mix together the butter, milk, sugar and honey.

Cover and let rise for another 30 minutes. Then roll out on a prepared baking sheet. Cover and let rise for another 10 minutes.

Then use your thumb and forefinger to make “dents” in it (hence the name Petzkuchen).

For the 1st topping, melt butter, cool and stir in honey, or sugar and cinnamon and spread on the cake. Bake at 200 degrees (preheat) for about 20 minutes.

For the 2nd topping, beat whipped cream with cinnamon and sugar or honey until not too firm, then stir in sour cream.

Put the topping on the cooled Petzkuchen and let it sit for about 1 hour.

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