Honey Liver Pate

Rating: 4.23 / 5.00 (26 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


Spices for 1kg wort mass:


Boil belly meat in not too much water until it is really soft. Test: rind must be very easy to pierce with a spoon. Then lift out the meat and in the same water briefly scald the liver in one piece.

While the liver is still warm, mince the meat, onions and garlic twice through the fine slice of a meat grinder.

Add whipped egg yolk, honey, salt and about 1 mocha cup of cooking water and beat very well together with the spices until the mixture binds nicely.

Quickly fill this into narrow cellophane casings, about 30-40 cm long. (The casings must be soaked very hot beforehand).

Then scald at 76 °C for about 75 minutes, remove and cool well in a larger container with running water. To store, place immediately in the refrigerator.

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