Ischia Style Rabbit

Rating: 3.95 / 5.00 (21 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Place the rabbit in a shallow dish, pour a little vinegar water over it and marinate, covered, in the refrigerator for 2 hours, turning occasionally. Briefly scald the fresh tomatoes, peel, seed and quarter. Roughly chop the dried tomatoes. Remove rabbit from marinade, pat dry and chop widthwise into as many small pieces as possible, the back into 1.5 cm thick slices. Fry all pieces in plenty of olive oil until hot all around. Add coarse sea salt, chili and garlic cloves cut into sticks, fry briefly and then deglaze with white wine. Stir in dried and fresh tomatoes and parsley, bring to a boil and season again. Then reduce heat slightly and finish roasting (uncovered) until liquid has completely evaporated and rabbit is coated with a glossy film. Meanwhile, turn repeatedly, adding more liquid (wine or water) if needed. Apply the rabbit in the pot.

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