
Rating: 2.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Switch the oven to the grill position (extreme top heat). Insert a grid for the oven so that there is a distance of approx. 100 mm between the grid + pan and the heating coils of the oven.

Mix the cow’s milk with flour and salt until smooth, important! The amount must not be too thick in any case, the 3 whole eggs for it and stir briefly. The eggs should not be completely mixed.

Heat butter in a frying pan, briefly roast the rum for it, add the Kaiserschmarrn quantity, bake. Now place the frying pan in the oven until the Schmarrn is lightly colored. Quarter the Schmarrn and turn it to the other side. Repeat until the Schmarrn has a nice brown color and has risen nicely.

Now split into large pieces, sprinkle with fine sugar, another time in the tube until the sugar is melted to caramel.

Arrange, sprinkle with plenty of fine sugar.

Put compote or stewed plums on the table.

By preparing the Schmarren with the help of gratinating, the Schmarren becomes fluffier and juicier than with the cookbook method of beating egg whites to egg whites.

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