
Rating: 4.85 / 5.00 (2375 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

For the Köttbullar:

For the sauce:


For the Köttbullar, peel the onion and chop very finely.mix the whipping cream with the soup and let the breadcrumbs steep in it for about 10 minutes.

Heat oil in a pan and fry half of the onions in it. Remove from the pan, drain and add to the minced meat. Also add the egg, the soaked breadcrumbs and salt, pepper and a pinch of ginger powder. Mix everything well and form small balls. Roll the balls in flour and fry them in the pan in which the onion was roasted in a little oil for about 10 minutes until they are cooked through inside. Then keep warm under aluminum foil.

In the pan, fry out the remaining onions, deglaze with sweet wine. Add the soup and whipping cream, season with a pinch of allspice and boil down briefly. If necessary, thicken with sauce thickener or a little cornflour. Add the Köttbullar to the sauce and heat up again briefly.

Serve with mashed potatoes and cranberries.

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