Lon of Salted Duck Eggs – Lon Kai Core

Rating: 2.60 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Suitable garnishes for this hearty lon include sliced green mangoes and ginger, as well as shallots, chilies, and krachai.

P a g e Steam salted duck eggs or egg yolks for about 20 minutes, then cool. Cut whole eggs in half and remove from shell.

Crumble egg yolks or egg whites and egg yolks.

Heat coconut cream and clear soup in small saucepan and bring to a boil briefly, then season with fish sauce. Stir in pork mince and simmer on low heat, stirring throughout, for 1 to 2 min. It should not stick together. Season with palm sugar and tamarind water. Stir in shrimp meat and salted eggs or egg yolks and cook for 2 min. while stirring – in no case too long. If necessary, add a little coconut milk or clear soup. Add krachai, lemongrass and chilies and top up with a tiny bit of coconut milk or clear soup if needed. Taste: It should taste salty, savory like eggs and slightly sour. Finish with scallions, lime leaves, pepper and cilantro.

Choices for side dishes include:

– raw vegetables, e.g. cucumber, white turmeric and cabbage

– baked vegetables, especially “betel” leaves and basil stems

– pickled vegetables

– steamed or grilled mussels

– crispy fish fritters

– sweet pork

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