Make Grams Yourself

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Total time: 1 hour



Carefully separate the bacon from the schwartl. It should not have any leftover meat. Using a very sharp knife, cut the bacon into small, evenly sized cubes. Cover the bottom of a large pot with the bacon cubes.

Add the water and milk and cook the bacon cubes until the water has evaporated. Then increase the temperature and, stirring constantly, “render” the bacon cubes until they take on a golden color, which takes about 40-50 minutes. Then the grams can be removed with a ladle from the now clear lard.

Hang a kitchen strainer over a storage container, drain the grams in it and collect the fat. Squeeze the grams well. The less fat they have left, the crispier they will be.

Let the grams cool and enjoy or use them in one of the many grammel recipes.

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