Meringue – Meringue After Alfredissimo

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 5 min



Preheat the oven to 100-120 degrees. Carefully separate the eggs (refrigerator tempered) and beat the whites until very firm, in this case, towards the end, stir in the juice of a lemon, which gives the beaten egg whites special stability. gradually sift in the sugar, in this case, continue beating until the mixture is very stiff and smooth.

Spread the tray with parchment paper and moisten with a little tap water. Use a spoon or piping bag to form about 5 to 6 long “foam eggs” on the parchment paper, dust with fine sugar through a fine sieve and leave to dry in the oven on the middle shelf for about 60 to 90 minutes. It is best to cut open a meringue (meringue) in due course and check that it is firm on the outside and still soft on the inside. This way they are optimal! Whip the whipped cream with the fine sugar to whipped cream and serve with the meringues. Depending on your choice, you can perfume the whipped cream with a little orange liqueur or raspberry water.

Of course, this last course can be combined with any kind of fruit. In Alsace, it is also served with vanilla ice cream.

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