
Rating: 3.21 / 5.00 (19 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)

Ratio muffin method:

Ratio stirring method:


Basics about muffins There are 2 different methods by which muffins can be made: 1. ) All dry ingredients are sifted together, make a well in the baking bowl. All the liquids (including melted butter, fat or oil) are mixed together and poured into the well. Fold together with spatula until everything is wet together. *Do not overmix* or the glue will develop and the muffins can be used as pucks for field hockey.

Immediately place in well greased or possibly paper lined muffin pan and bake. Heat and time depend on the size of the muffins. In any case, it should not take longer than 30 minutes. The oven is hot. For us it is 375F -400F (190 °C – 205 °C ).

The baker’s percentage (ratio) always depends on the flour, the flour is always 100%.

This can now be adjusted by weight to your condition, depending on how many muffins you need. The flour should have a number a little higher than 405, but bread flour is too strong.

The other method is:

2. ) Creaming Method Salt, fat, sugar, spices and milk powder (if used) are mixed with the paddle in the mixer until everything is well combined. Mix until light and fluffy. Then add the eggs in three batches and mix well after each addition. If the eggs are too cool, they may curdle (a handful of flour helps). Then add the liquid (water, milk etc) and stir only slightly.

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