Pasta Dough Basic Recipe

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (646 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Variant I:

Variant II:


First, mix all the ingredients well, preferably with your hands, and knead for about 10-15 minutes until you get a smooth dough without cracks. If the mass is too dry, add a few more drops of water.

Cover well with plastic wrap and let rest in a cool place for at least 1-2 hours, but preferably overnight. T

Roll out the dough on a well-floured work surface and roll it out to the desired thickness most easily with a pasta machine.

Cut to size according to further use.

For colorful pasta, replace about 1-2 eggs by weight (about 60 g each) with the appropriate puree (spinach, tomato puree, beet, herbs, etc.).

Pasta made with fresh eggs should always be stored in the refrigerator or portioned while still raw and frozen.

For pasta pockets or ravioli, the dough should be a little softer (add a little water or egg yolk) and be processed immediately after rolling out.

Pasta should be allowed to dry a little before cooking so that it has a bite when cooked.

If pasta is stored for a longer time, the dough should be prepared without salt and possibly without eggs.

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