Pasta Special: Oxtail Ravioli

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Preparation time:

Ingredients For:



Pasta dishes are always a good idea!

Rinse kitchen herbs, pluck parsley and thyme leaves and set aside. Heat vegetable oil in a roasting pan or saucepan.

Fry the pieces of oxtail for about 5 minutes on each side.

Remove the pieces of meat from the roasting pan and sauté the diced vegetables until they take on color. Add garlic and paradeis pulp, after another minute add flour and fry briefly, then extinguish with red wine. Put the pieces of oxtail back together in the roasting pan, add the spices and maybe water so that the pieces of meat are covered flat. Cover the surface with a parchment paper cut to size. Place the roaster in the oven heated to 180 °C. After 1 72 hours, turn the meat pieces to the other side, perhaps pouring on a little water. After another 1 lh hours, check to see if the meat comes off the bone easily. If not, steam for another 30 min.

Lift oxtail pieces out of braising liquid and cool a tiny bit. Strain the braising liquid through a fine sieve. Remove meat from bones, cut into small pieces and bring to a boil with 200 ml of braising liquid in a saucepan until liquid is almost completely reduced. Chop the parsley and thyme and simmer briefly at the end. Season the oxtail mixture with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Pasta dough on floured surface

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