Peanut Gingerbread – Fine Advent Baked Goods

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A cake recipe for all foodies:

Finely dice candied lemon peel, candied orange peel and candied cherries. Finely grind the peanuts. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar until thick and creamy. Melt staghorn salt in two tablespoons of water. Sift flour onto the egg yolk cream. Add cherries, candied orange peel, candied lemon peel, nuts, gingerbread spice and staghorn salt. Cover dough with a tea towel and let rest for one night in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

A day later, spread on the wafers and bake in the oven heated to 160 °C for 30-35 min. Sift the powdered sugar and mix with water and rum until smooth. Spread on the gingerbread while it is still slightly warm and sprinkle with peanuts.

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