Potato Cake with Mushrooms

Rating: 1.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A simple but delicious cake recipe:

Kartofelnaja babka s gribami – potato cake with mushrooms.

chop and make. Remove the mushrooms from the cooking water, toss them in butter or lard, fold in the egg and season with salt. Grease a loaf pan and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, now put potatoes and mushroom mixture, thickened a little bit with breadcrumbs, in layers into the cake pan. The top layer is made of potatoes. Bake the cake in the oven until the potatoes are cooked. Prepare a sauce from the mushroom water with a tablespoon of flour mixed in cold water, season with salt and add smetana. Turn out the cake hot from the mold, put slices of cake on the spot with hot mushroom sauce. If this dish is to be prepared as a fasting dish, vegetable oil should be used instead of butter and a spoonful of potato flour instead of egg. Smetana is not used for the fasting variant.

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