Quark Meatballs on Yogurt Dip with Ham, Tomatoes …

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Cut ham into fine cubes. Clean parsley, chives, chop finely. Pit olives, cut off. Rub mushrooms well with kitchen paper, cut into small cubes.

Peel and finely dice onion. Peel tomatoes, remove seeds, cut into small cubes. Remove house from cherry tomatoes, cut in half.

Roast pine nuts briefly. Dice bread rolls.

Mix bread cubes with mushrooms, olives, egg, ham, chives, onions, curd cheese, season with pepper and a little salt, twist off small meat loaves.

Mix yogurt with parsley, pine nuts, chives and tomato cubes, season with salt and add pepper. Heat frying pan with clarified butter, fry meat loaves on both sides for four to five min until golden.


Place meat loaf on a flat plate, add yogurt dip to one side, garnish the other side with watercress and cherry tomatoes.

252 Kcal – 11 g fat – 19 g egg white – 19 g carbohydrates – 1, 5 Be (bread units) : O title : Quarkfrikadellen on yogurt dip with ham, tomatoes : > and mushrooms.

Tip: As an alternative to the fresh chives, you can also use the freeze-dried.

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